1C in Cloud

1C in Cloud

Services - 1C in Cloud

1C in Cloud
Transferring 1C to the Cloud

With each passing day cloud services are gaining popularity. Today it is difficult to find a company that does not use any cloud services. Transferring your 1C databases to the cloud will give you additional advantages in dealing with competitors and will allow you to develop your business.
Server rental is a service in which the client is provided with computing power on a remote machine (physical or virtual) for a specified time (usually a month or more). It is actively used by both individuals (for example, website owners) and fairly large companies.

Renting a virtual server or a physical machine in a remote data center is in most cases much more profitable than supporting the work and maintenance of specially dedicated computers in your own server room. They are more reliable, safer, more stable, and most importantly - cheaper.

Types of cloud servers and their features
Servers can be divided into two types: physical (DS) and virtual (VPS). In the first case, the client receives a separate server installed in a rack in the DC, in the second - a part of the computing power of the computer.

However, for the client there is practically no difference between them. Therefore, if a person is interested in renting a dedicated server, he needs first of all to pay attention to the amount of resources, and only after that to see what the machine is – a real physical device or only the space allocated on it.

In view of the fact that modern applications are demanding on the speed of reading /writing data, it is recommended to choose servers with SSDs (solid-state drives), and not with HDD (hard drives). This is critically important in cases where you need to work with large databases, for example, created in 1C software products.

HDD, in turn, is now well suited exclusively for storing files. In all other cases, the use of SSD is strongly recommended.

Servers can also be classified by their location. The closer the car is geographically to the customer, the more comfortable he can use the services provided. Therefore, if a person lives in Ukraine, then it is recommended that he rent a server in Ukraine

Data storage and processing capabilities on the server
You can rent a server for a variety of tasks. Most often, remote computers host the server part of the application, which will be connected to from several computers at the same time.

Companies, for example, often need to rent a 1C server. Since the resource is constantly accessible from the Internet, everyone who has access rights to the service can connect to it at any time and from any place. Thanks to this, the organization's employees can work with the company's reports and documentation from home or even in the subway.

It is extremely important that the interaction with the server is as secure as possible. To do this, the provider must: firstly, encrypt the data on the drives, and secondly, provide a connection via an encrypted channel. The frequency of backups is also of particular importance.

If a person is interested in renting a server in Kiev– the city where he does business, he can apply for services in CODELAB. The company ensures the protection of user data in accordance with the most modern technologies.

Advantages of CODELAB servers
The Cloud company offers to rent a server that has a decent configuration and is relatively cheap. The company's machines are located in data centers of two countries, so it is possible to rent a server in Germany and in Ukraine. Thanks to this, customers can count on high reliability and low response time.

Renting a 1C server from us is the most demanded service from our company. In this regard, the organization's cloud servers are perfectly optimized for working with 1C online products, which allows you to use software for automating and structuring business information as efficiently and comfortably as possible.

The Cloud company guarantees not only the security of customer data, but also the stable operation of servers. This means that anyone who has the right to access the service will be able to access it and get or change data at absolutely any time. Even at night, the client will not see error messages or about ongoing technical work performed by the service.